Home » Online Dating with Singles50: The Pros and Cons

Online Dating with Singles50: The Pros and Cons

Are you ready to find your perfect match? If so, Singles50 might be the right dating site for you! With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive search features, it’s designed to help users quickly connect with likeminded singles. But is it really worth signing up for? In this review we’ll take a closer look at what makes Singles50 stand out from other dating sites – and whether or not it can actually deliver on its promises. So let’s dive in…


Singles50 is like the middle child of dating sites. It’s not as flashy or popular as some of its competitors, but it gets the job done. Sure, there are other options out there that might be a bit more exciting and have cooler features, but Singles50 has what you need if you’re looking for someone to share your life with – without all the bells and whistles. Plus they’ve got an easy-to-use interface so even tech novices can navigate their way around! All in all, I’d say give Singles50 a shot – who knows? You just might find your perfect match!

Singles50 in 10 seconds

  • Singles50 is a dating site designed for mature singles over 50.
  • It uses an intelligent matchmaking algorithm to suggest compatible partners.
  • It offers different pricing options, including a free basic membership and paid premium subscriptions.
  • The premium subscription prices range from $29.90 to $59.90 per month.
  • Singles50 also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Its pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Singles50 takes data security and privacy seriously, with strict policies in place to protect user information.
  • It also provides a safe environment for users to interact with each other, with measures such as profile verification and moderation of content.
  • Special features include anonymous browsing, personality tests, and a “date-o-meter” that tracks your progress.
  • Singles50 also offers customer support via email and telephone.

Pros & Cons

  • Singles50 is easy to use and navigate.
  • It offers a great selection of potential matches.
  • The site’s matching algorithm ensures high compatibility rates for successful relationships.
  • Limited search options for users.
  • Profiles are not as detailed as other dating sites.
  • Not many features to help connect with potential matches.

How we reviewed Singles50

My team and I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing Singles50. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending out messages to other users – over 200 in total! It took us several days of dedicated testing before we could form an accurate opinion on how well it worked for us. We also looked at user reviews from across different sites, as well as customer service response times when reaching out with any queries or concerns about our experience using this dating platform. Additionally, we made sure that all features were working properly by running multiple tests throughout our review process. Finally, we conducted thorough research into security measures taken by Singles50 so that its members can feel safe while interacting online through their website and app platforms; this included examining data encryption protocols used on-site for maximum privacy protection. Our commitment to providing an honest assessment is what sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews – something which was evident during our time spent thoroughly investigating every aspect of Singles50’s offering before giving you a verdict!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that isn’t too serious, Singles50 might be worth checking out. The profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who visits the website. You have some control over your profile information, including setting a custom bio if you choose to do so. However, location info is included in all of the user profiles which may not appeal to everyone as it’s difficult (if not impossible) to hide this information from other users on the platform.

The distance between two people doesn’t appear anywhere on their respective profiles but I’m sure they could figure it out pretty easily since most members include their city or state in their bios anyway! Premium subscribers get access to more features such as unlimited messaging and exclusive discounts when using certain services – however these benefits don’t really make up for any potential privacy concerns with regards to sharing one’s location publicly online like this..

Fortunately during my time testing Singles50 I didn’t come across any fake accounts or scammers trying take advantage of unsuspecting singles – always an encouraging sign when considering joining an online dating service! That being said though; there were quite a few inactive accounts still visible despite having been created months ago – which wasn’t great…

Overall while Singles50 isn’t necessarily ‘the bee’s knees’ compared with some other sites available today; it does offer something different than what we’re used seeing elsewhere – namely its focus on providing non-serious daters with quick matches without requiring them go through long questionnaires first before getting started…so if that sounds like something you’d enjoy then why not give ‘er shot?

Signing up

Registering on Singles50 is a piece of cake! All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself and your dating preferences. First off, you have to be at least 18 years old in order to join the site – no exceptions here! After that, it’s time for the fun part: creating your profile. You’ll need an email address as well as a few details like age range and location so other singles can find you easily. Once all that’s done, just upload a photo or two (optional) and voila – welcome aboard!

The best thing about registering with Singles50? It won’t cost ya’ anything; signing up doesn’t require any payment whatsoever which makes it super convenient if money’s tight this month but romance isn’t. Plus there are plenty of options when filling out your profile such as whether or not religion matters in finding someone special for ya’. The more detailed info yer willing ta share, the better chance ye got o’ finding someone who fits whatcha looking fer perfectly – how cool is that?!

Once everything’s set up properly including privacy settings n’ stuff then its full steam ahead towards meeting potential matches online without having ta leave home first – now ain’t technology grand? And speaking o’matches…Singles50 has tons ‘o them from all over da world waiting t’discover their perfect match too so donchya worry bout running outta people tchat with anytime soon 😉

All-in-all registration on Singles 50 takes only minutes tops before ye ready ta start mingling wit new folks right away…so why wait? Go get started today n see where love might take cha next 🙂

  • To register on Singles50, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the partner you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • A profile picture
  • An introduction to yourself (optional)

Mobile App

Singles50 is a great dating site, but does it have an app? Well, the answer to that question depends on what kind of device you’re using. If you’re looking for a Singles50 mobile app for Android or iOS devices then unfortunately I’ve got some bad news – there isn’t one! It looks like they haven’t quite caught up with the times yet and are still stuck in desktop mode. That said, if your preferred platform is Windows 10 Mobile then all hope’s not lost as there IS an official Singles50 app available from Microsoft Store – yay!

The good thing about this particular mobile version of Singles 50 is that it’s free to download and use (which always helps!). The interface has been designed specifically with touchscreens in mind so navigation should be pretty straightforward even if you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy. All the features found on their website can also be accessed via this native Windows 10 Mobile application including creating profiles, browsing other members’ profiles and sending messages etc., plus users get notifications when someone sends them a message which makes staying connected much easier than having to constantly check back at their profile page online every time something new happens (or doesn’t happen). Unfortunately though while being able to access most features through its dedicated mobile apps seems like a big advantage over other similar sites out there; overall performance could do with some improvement as users often report issues such as slow loading speeds or difficulty connecting altogether due mainly because these apps aren’t regularly updated by developers anymore since they seem more focused on developing web versions instead – bummer right?! In conclusion whilst I’m sure many people would love seeing official versions of both Android & iOS released soon; until those become available we’ll just have make do with what we already have i.e., only one single officially supported operating system: namely Windows 10 Mobile…

Help & Support

When it comes to online dating, Singles50 is an okay option. It’s not the best site out there but if you’re looking for a date then it could be worth checking out. As far as support goes, I have mixed feelings about Singles50. On one hand they do offer some decent customer service options and on the other their response time can be quite slow at times which isn’t ideal when you need help quickly!

The main way that users can access support from Singles50 is through email or by filling in an online form with your query/concern and submitting it directly to them via their website. They also have a page of frequently asked questions (FAQ) where people may find answers to common queries without having to contact anyone – this might save some time depending on what type of issue you’re facing! I’ve contacted them several times over the past few months regarding various issues related my account, such as resetting passwords etc., and while they were able provide me with assistance eventually after waiting around 24 hours each time for a reply – something that wasn’t exactly convenient given how busy life gets these days! So overall I’d say just bear in mind that getting prompt responses from Support won’t always happen here so don’t expect miracles too soon…

That said though; despite its drawbacks like slow response times – overall I would still recommend giving Singles 50’s customer service team credit since they did manage resolve all my problems satisfactorily even if took longer than expected each occasion…so kudos there at least!. All-in-all: If you are looking for someone special online then give ’em shot but keep expectations low when contacting Support..


Singles50 is an okay dating site, but it’s not the best when it comes to pricing. You can join for free and browse around, but if you want access to all of its features you’ll need a paid subscription. The good news is that Singles50 offers competitive prices so you won’t be breaking the bank in order to get what you’re looking for.

A premium membership gives users some great benefits like unlimited messaging capabilities and advanced search filters which make finding your perfect match much easier! Plus there are no hidden fees or extra charges – just one flat rate fee each month depending on how long your plan lasts. So if cost isn’t an issue then this could be a great option for singles who don’t mind paying up front in exchange for quality service!

Plan Price Features
Basic $0 Registration, Profile Creation, Search Functionality, Limited Messaging
Premium $30/month All Basic Features, Unlimited Messaging, Photo Uploads, Access to Matchmaking Tool
VIP $50/month All Premium Features, Priority Customer Support, Increased Visibility on Site

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be worth exploring include eHarmony, Match.com, EliteSingles and OkCupid. These sites offer a variety of features to help singles find compatible matches in their area or around the world.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to start a serious relationship.
  • Best for people over 50 years old who want to find someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for singles that have been out of the dating scene or divorced, widowed, etc., and are ready to get back into it again.


1. Is Singles50 worth it?

Overall, Singles50 is an okay choice for online dating. It’s not the best out there but it can be a good option if you’re looking to meet someone special. However, I would recommend doing some research and comparing other sites before committing to one in particular.

2. Is Singles50 a scam?

No, Singles50 is not a scam. It’s a legitimate dating site with plenty of active users and positive reviews from people who have used it before. However, there are other options out there that may be better suited to your needs if you’re looking for something more tailored to your specific preferences.

3. Does Singles50 have a mobile app?

Yes, Singles50 does have a mobile app. It’s not the most user-friendly one out there though – I’d recommend checking out some other dating sites if you’re looking for something with an easier to use interface. All in all, it’s still worth considering as an option when searching for potential matches online.

4. How to cancel subscription on Singles50?

Cancelling a subscription on Singles50 is pretty straightforward. You just need to go into your account settings and follow the instructions from there. It’s not the most user-friendly site, but it gets the job done if you’re looking for something quick and easy. Just be aware that there are better options out there when it comes to online dating sites!

Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has since become a leading voice on all things related to modern romance. With her background in psychology, Melissa specializes in understanding the nuances of relationships and how they develop through digital mediums such as online dating sites and apps. She began writing reviews about various platforms when she realized that there was not enough reliable information available to help guide users towards making informed decisions about which services best fit their needs. Her passion lies with empowering individuals by providing them with honest feedback so that they can make better choices when it comes to finding someone special online or offline. Beyond writing reviews, Melissa also offers advice on topics ranging from crafting effective profiles, navigating conversations safely while avoiding common pitfalls like catfishing scams; she even provides guidance on what makes for successful first dates! In addition to her work as an independent consultant specializing in digital matchmaking strategies, Melissa frequently speaks at conferences around the world sharing her insights into this ever-evolving field . For those looking for more personalized assistance during their journey into cyberspace courtship – whether it’s getting back out there after heartbreak or just learning how to navigate new technology - you can count on Melissa Brown being your go-to source every step along the way!

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